What's the difference between revenge and justice?
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Celebrities Doing Stupid Crap In Front of Paparazzi pt I
So everyone has been posting these pictures of Jennifer Aniston on vacation with Courteney Cox. It's basically the both of them wearing trampy bikinis and sitting around. Pretty boring really, but I guess if you're a stalker you love this kind of shit. But my point is why do celebrities do ridiculous things in front of paparazzi? Here's a shot of Jennifer Aniston, and one of Courteney Cox's totally not sexy ass crack:
Are they legitimately unaware of paparazzi constantly taking their picture, or are they intentionally slutting up their pictures so as to get themselves back into relevance?
Here is Lindsay Lohan getting her ass felt up by some skeevy Italian guy who is also apparently unzipping his pants. This looks like it was taken by one of his buddies who now has a few bucks in his pocket:
Oh, and just for fun, here is a hilarious picture of Sarah Michelle Gellar and I think that Freddie Prinze, Jr guy. She literally fell on like a three inch wave, so the intensity of her facial expression is way out of hand.
btw, I got most of these from What Would Tyler Durden Do?
Posted by
1/05/2008 08:32:00 AM
Labels: Conspiracies, favorite websites, random and/or funny
Ambuler is one of my supervisors at work. She lives with her boyfriend "Don" who is a nice guy, but pretty flawed in a few ways that she is well aware of. She is young though, and also knows that. I've been trying to convince her to go back to school ever since I started working with her (she has her GED, but never attended any college at all), and she finally did it. She texted me today, here's how it went:
Ambuler: "Im enrolld"
Me: "Awesome!!! What are you taking?"
Ambuler: "Math and eng"
Me: "Good. I'm proud :o) now we're like school buddies."
Ambuler: "Lol. ur a dork."
Me: "Lol, whatever, i'm still proud/excited"
Ambuler: "Thank u."
Ambuler: "That means alot. i wish there was more ppl in the world like u"
Me: "Well, there aren't, so cherish me while i'm still here."
Was that a dick thing to say? I don't think so, because I would have said that if she were talking TO me about someone ELSE, so I think that I was being honest. I've lost people already in my life, as has she, so I think that it is okay for me to say that to her. I'm serious about it, too. I think that if she really feels that way, then maybe she should be aware of the rarity, and appreciate it. Anyways, maybe i'm just a dickhead.
Ambuler is really very beautiful, though I must admit that I think of her beauty in a different way than everyone else, for the most part. She has a family history of modeling, and has even done some on her own. She is also built like a model, which is something you either have or not. Anyways, I like Ambuler, she's the shit.
Posted by
1/05/2008 12:29:00 AM
Labels: Ambuler
Sometimes She's On
Erin makes me a little bit sad. When she's on, she's fantastic, but she falls away just as quickly. I wish I really knew how to keep her up. It'd be great, but I run out of ideas. She is lonely and desperate. Not desperate for guys or love or anything, just desperate. She lives desperately, which is not a good way to live I don't think. She lives at the mercy of her world, instead of taking charge of it. She ought to move out. She ought to get her Masters. She ought to get a new job. She hasn't done any of those things. I wish that she would do any one of them. It's too bad, really. She is still what she always was for me, even though she shrinks when I see her again. She becomes something smaller than the monumental glyph that exists in my brain associated with her name. The picture of infant Jesus is of a human deity trapped in a tiny body, when by all accounts he was crying, shitting, horrible thing like all babies are. Erin deserves something more. Do all guys always think that they are able to give what everyone needs?
This one goes out to Erin AND AsheeBabeez:
"A Better Son/Daughter" by Rilo Kiley
"Sometimes in the morning I am petrified and can't move
Awake but cannot open my eyes
And the weight is crushing down on my lungs
I know I can't breathe
And hope someone will save me this time
And your mother's still calling you insane and high
Swearing it's different this time
And you tell her to give in to the demons that possess her
And that god never blessed her insides
Then you hang up the phone and feel badly for upsetting things
And crawl back into bed to dream of a time
When your heart was open wide and you love things just because
Like the sick and dying
And sometimes when you're on
You're really fucking on
And your friends they sing along
And they love you
But the lows are so extreme
That the good seems fucking cheap
And it teases you for weeks in its absence
But you'll fight and you'll make it through
You'll fake it if you have to
And you'll show up for work with a smile
And you'll be better
You'll be smarter
More grown up and a better daughter or son
And a real good friend
And you'll be awake
You'll be alert
You'll be positive though it hurts
And you'll laugh and embrace all of your friends
And you'll be a real good listener
You'll be honest
You'll be brave
You'll be handsome and you'll be beautiful
You'll be happy
Your ship may be coming in
You're weak but not giving in
To the cries and the wails of the valley below
Your ship may be coming in
You're weak but not giving in
And you'll fight it you'll go out fighting all of them"
Posted by
1/05/2008 12:16:00 AM
Labels: Ashlee, Erin, Song Lyrics, Who I is