Where to begin?
First love of life, most likely. Advent of love, in fact. 2nd grade introduction to wonder and appreciation. I remember new emotions, like jealousy and desire. I hated Andy because I thought he had her. Turns out he didn't, though I still think that he could have. I turned to art for the first time ever. I drew the thing that I couldn't imagine and that I would have hated to have known (Andy and Erin having sex, though they both had penises, and one of them was floating above the other. It didn't really make sense, but it was the thought that mattered; and it got me in trouble, just like a grown up artist). It occurs to me that this really WAS the first time I had done this thing, and that it is something that I now do often. I find catharsis in facing fear or hatred or ugly evil, even if I have to create it first. That is, I might have to draw or paint or write this thing that I'm afraid of before I really realize that I'm actually afraid of it. So Erin may have introduced me to art as well. She has been my apparent host here. The person who announces my arrival. I didn't know that until just now, which is another example of her influence.
In 2nd grade I went to Las Vegas with my family. I think that I've told this story before. We were on a people mover or a conveyor belt or just walking next to a long picture window that opened up onto a man made lake with a volcano in it. This must have been at the Mirage where they have a volcano show with fire on the water. At some point I was able apparently to throw a coin in. The coin contained all of my love, and everything that I knew of prayer. I sincerely begged the volcano god to put me and Erin in the same class every year from then all the way through college, and then I secretly (even more secretly than this silent wish already) wished that we'd get married.
I still love her, and I'm sure that I'd do anything she asked me to do. She has experienced shit, and her life is so empty, that it almost makes me angry. Paul died, and killed a large portion of her. The bags under her eyes are my monument to him, and they will seemingly never let me forget him or his impact on her. If I were to want her to love me, I am not sure that I'd ever be convinced that I had 100% of her. She belongs to him still, and I do not know how to help her let go; I'm not sure if she's ready to yet.
It was always understood (by her and I) that she and Paul would end up together after he cleaned up.
Erin became the watermark for beauty, and my standard. She had a lean physique, like a drawing in my mind. She had jutting hips and long sinews of limbs that complimented her features and her hair, which appeared to be of a greenish tint. I know now that it was not green, but I seem to always see the hair of girls that I like as colors that it is not. That is extremely difficult to explain, but basically when I think of Erin, I picture her from eighth grade in front of a classroom that never existed, and her hair is light brown, but my brain looks at it and says "Green." I mean, it knows that it is light brown, but my brain SAYS "green." It's weird. Same thing happens when I picture Julee, only sometimes it's green and sometimes it's auburn.
On to 3rd grade, I don't remember Erin here, because Ms. Loyola was so hot that my memory was wiped clean. Okay, now 4th grade. Erin got me in trouble once, and I got detention. During recess she sat with me on the bench, which actually got her in trouble. I don't even think we spoke during that time we shared on the wooden bench. Okay, now on to 5th grade.
In 5th grade, I was sort of born. I decided that, for reals, I liked girls, and that was okay. At some point, I dated Laura. Maybe more about that later, I'm not sure yet. Also though, this is when Erin became the most sought after girl in our class. Every guy sort of simultaneously decided that Erin had it, and that we all wanted it. That sounds gross, but that's how it was; we didn't even know what it was, frankly. We just all sort of realized that she was hot and cool, and that we'd be hotter and cooler for being closer to her.
At some point, I wrote a note to Erin. It was neon green on one side, and white on the other. On the white side, I drew a skull that I largely lifted from a shirt I saw at Miller's Outpost, and I wrote "ERIN" in crappy Olde English lettering. I wrote something like, "Will you go out with me?" and then, "Yes/No Why/Why not?" and THEN "PS I really like you alot" (and the whole PS part was circled). I'm mostly excited that I asked "Why?" as in, "Yes? You WILL go out me? WHY?! What the hell's wrong with you?" Oh, and I wrote my name on the bottom, too. So yeah, I was a pretty smooth operator. I gave this note to Daniel to give to Erin (side note: Daniel was Erin's first kiss), which he did. Erin claims NOW that she wrote a note back that said "Yes," but I certainly didn't receive it. Her postulation is that Daniel didn't give me the note because of his jealousy (Daniel also liked Erin). I don't know, though, that's pretty convenient. So in the end, we never went out. Her loss. No, that's not true. My loss.
In sixth grade, I was completely smitten and in love with her. I called her all the time; enough even to be banned from calling by her mother. She dated Adam, one of my two best friends at the time, which actually really made me angry, but I didn't let anyone know. This was the height of my frustration.
In seventh and eighth grade I became more friendly with Elizabeth, and less with Erin. Those two did not like each other very much. I still secretly loved Erin, and wrote notes to her and stuff, but I was not as close to her as I used to be. Had she asked, I'm sure that I would have dropped everyone else for her.
High school was black days. We spoke rarely. She went to the all girl school across town. We grew apart. We came back together senior year, when we both worked at the rectory at St. Francis Xavier. We didn't like completely "rekindle," because she was with George, and I was with Julee, and we didn't always work together, but we became friends again.
We've sort of stayed friendly since then, and have recently (the past year or so, especially since Julee and I broke up) become very close. Inextricably close; perhaps symbiotically, at least on my end. My well-being these days involves her, even though we don't talk EVERY day anymore. I still love her as much as I did in 2nd grade, and in the same confusing way. I am perpetually secretly in love with her, though I am willing to hide that away for her benefit. It may be better for her that I am only her friend. I am okay with that, if that is what is truly best for her. I have only her best interest in mind.
to be continued...
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
The Ashy Ashleez
Ashlee wanted to leave, so I told her she could come here. We played massage and layabout and dinner. I had work the next morning, so I left her creamy corpse on someone else's bed and slung beans. She stuck around and "cleaned" my house (aka picked up a single piece of usable ware and made it into trash). Then after work we Chil[l]i[ed] for lunch. We also grabbed some iced gut death, and she bought Guitar Hero III (GHIII) for [louis and] I, but mostly less of the []. She loves me. I found out later that Erin had also bought GHIII for L&I, and was thusly very angered by this. But that's not what this is about.
My homage to Ashlee'z kindness was that I named my career after her: "The Ashy Ashleez". Louis did the same thing: "Baseline Rapi$t", I think because Ashlee'z buxom proportions inspire intense almost uncontrollable lust and desire. L&I also started a co-op career as "2 Crude Beez," which is code for "Two C-Cup Boobs," aNOTHER reference to Ashlee. Actually, I made that last one up. 2 Crude Beez doesn't mean anything.
“Gaily the Troubadour
Touched his guitar.”
Thomas Haynes Bayly
Posted by
11/21/2007 04:34:00 PM
Labels: Ashlee, Guitar Hero, Louis
Time is [not] on my side
I manage always to pull things off. I am a master of bullshitting without lying, and a keeper of time. I have written papers in one hour that took others days. I cannot, however, account for the vengeance of deities; those who hate my arrogance. I cannot say no to a friend who has nothing left but death. I cannot say no to a friend who needs an escape that I can offer. I cannot say no to Guitar Hero III (I might have an addiction). What am I doing now? I'm not working on papers. I'm not studying what I missed because I didn't go to class. I'm watching reds and yellows and feeling the cancerous insurgence. Guilt seems appropriate for one who thinks that maybe there really IS nothing left for some. Does it matter that they are victims of their own designs? I don't think so. Pity. Mercy is for all. I wonder how much I have left. Suffering for the sake of a definition? I hope it's more than that. Someday I'll be rich and I'll just buy my clarity and clear my mind with deluges of shiny shiny things. Can't we just be in a place because someone would like us to be in that place? Buildings are imposing, frightening, we feel them. We are all buildings, and we are all immovable. Let the people in our lives find their way to our giant mirrored windows. All we have to do is not fall down.
"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”
Mahatma Gandhi
Posted by
11/21/2007 04:12:00 PM
Labels: Who I is