Adam picked me up around 11:40 or so and we went to GETINTHEZONEAUTOZONE, then he dropped me off at my truck, which was sitting in a pile of its own shame in the Pei Wei parking lot. I replaced the fuel filter, but that didn't fix it, so I called the shop and had them send a tow truck. Blah blah blah, now here is why I am manly:
I wore my fake Dickies Jacket, which still has some cologne on it from the last time I used it. Then, I got gasoline smell all over me from changing the fuel filter. THEN, I got into the tow truck and the driver smoked. So I am a combination smell of cologne, gasoline, and cigarettes. How sexy is THAT?
“Smell that! That's gasoline you smell in there. You can't buy any perfume in the world that smells as sweet.”
William K. Whiteford
Thursday, December 20, 2007
On Why I'm So Manly
Posted by
12/20/2007 01:36:00 PM
Labels: Ashlee, ex-girlfriends, Gay Issues, random and/or funny, Things that COULD kill you
New Battery
Researcher dude designs new battery with 10 times the capacity of Li-Ion batteries. Also, his design doesn't degrade like Li-Ion batteries do. This is awesome. It changes quite a lot, and makes completely battery powered cars a very real possibility. However, as noted on Towleroad, where I found the article, American legislators will probably try to block this amazing invention here in order to benefit big oil and US automakers. Kind of like the electric car that mysteriously disappeared a few years back that showed immense levels of promise. Who DID kill the electric car? Ted Kennedy, that's who. Actually, I have no idea. But it probably WAS him. I'll bet he drove it off a bridge somewhere.
“I think this adenovirus technology is like the electric car. We all know that sooner or later we will drive an electric car. The technology just isn't quite there yet. But soon we will all be driving one.”
Andrea Gambotto
Posted by
12/20/2007 09:37:00 AM
How Many 5yr Olds Could YOU Beat Up?
Looking for payday loans?
Nice site. Credit to Arjewtino ( for the find.
“A young and vital child knows no limit to his own will, and it is the only reality to him. It is not that he wants at the outset to fight other wills, but that they simply do not exist for him. Like the artist, he goes forth to the work of creation, gloriously alone.”
Jane Harrison
Posted by
12/20/2007 09:20:00 AM
A Broken Engine
I left the church around 8:30, maybe later. I went straight to the gas station so that I could get that damn fuel light to stop bothering me. Forty dollars. Pei Wei was still open, so I called in an order for most delicious Honey Seared Tofu on Brown Rice, and two Spring Rolls. Ten dollars. I return to my truck, my baby. The food sits patiently in the passenger seat waiting for my attention. I turn the key, hoping to head home. The engine turns over, chokes, dies. I turn the key again. Turn, choke, die. I turn it again, and press some gas. Turn, choke, die. The pedal didn't activate any response. No gas is flowing. I know I have gas. The gas cap is on. Sounds like a fuel filter. Adam took me home, because Louis was asleep. I am home now, no vehicle and no food (I ate the spring rolls while waiting for Adam, and the tofu when I got home). I ate my last bread and fruit yesterday for breakfast. Said I'd go shopping that day. Never did. I have shopping to do. Christmas as well. Anyways, I need a ride to GetInTheZoneAutoZone to pick up a new filter, and then a ride to my truck. They can leave me there. I'll replace it, and hopefully that will work. If it doesn't, I'll call Adam again, and have the truck towed to Sun Devil Auto. I miss my baby.
“For everything you have missed, you have gained something else, and for everything you gain, you lose something else.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Posted by
12/20/2007 08:37:00 AM
Labels: Adam, Heroes, Louis, Things that COULD kill you
Dexedrine/Food Interactions
From Food Medication Interactions 14th Edition:
Dexedrine ANTI-ADHD, ANTINARCOLEPSY See lising for Amphetamines p 37
Adderall/Adderall XR (dextroamphetamine & amphetamine)
Adderall (Tab- sucrose, lactose, cornstarch)
Adderall XR (Cap- sugar spheres [sucrose & starch], Kosher gelatin)
Dexedrine (dextroamphetamine Spansule (SR)-cetyal alcohol, sugar spheres [sucrose & starch] Tab- lactose, starch, sucrose, mineral oil, tartrazine
ANTI-ADHD, ANTINARCOLEPSY, Appetite Depressant, CNS Stimulant
Drug: Swallow SR form whole early in the day. As anorectic, take 1/2-1 hr before meals. For other uses (eg ADHD) take with or after meal.
Diet: Limit caffeine, see p 442. (pg 442 is a listing of caffeine amounts in common caffeinated drinks) Avoid high dose Vitamin C. Acidifying agents decrease absorption, increase excretion, & decrease half life of the drug. Alkalinizing agents (eg Na Bicarbonate, CaCO3, antacids) increase absorption, decrease excretion, & increase half life. As an anorectic, low calorie diet is essential.
Nutr: (This section is hard to explain without having the actual book in hand, and it doesn't mention anything pertinent to this post, so I'm leaving it out)
Oral/GI: Dry Mouth, metallic taste, stomach pain/cramps, nausea, diarrhea, constipation.
Special Conditions: Avoid alcohol. Not with lactation. Caution with hypertension. May be habit forming. Caution with seizures. Caution with geriatric.
Pregnancy: Category C (Category C is the FDA pregnancy category relating to this drug. Cat C specifically means that animal studies have shown adverse effects on fetus, but there are no controlled studies in women. Drugs in this category are given only if potential justifies risk to fetus)
Other: Palpitations, restlessness, tremor, increased blood pressure, nervousness, chills, dizziness, insomnia, blurred vision, tachycardia, headache, increased sweating, motor or verbal tics, euphoria, diskinesia, over stimulation.
Blood/Serum: Increased corticosteroids, Increased T4 with heavy use.
Urinary: False steroid results.
Monitor: Blood pressure. Children's growth.
Okay, so as you can see, it doesn't say anywhere "No Fruit Juice." It DOES say to avoid things with high vitamin C, and implies that you should avoid acidifying agents. This means that there are certain juices you should avoid completely (probably like Orange Juice, and most citrus juices), but there ARE others that are conceivable choices. Most fruit does have high vitamin C content, but some are not super crazy. Don't just go out and buy these, but look into blueberry juice, pomegranate juice, and cranberry juice as possible safe alternatives. I am going to have to find a different text before I can say for certain what would be safe for use, but feel free to do your own research on those three as well as any others that you think may be possible choices.
Posted by
12/20/2007 08:04:00 AM
Labels: Things that COULD kill you