Here was the sexy back and forth that just went down:
Me: ..."It's calm. Peaceful."
Her: "The calm before the storm."
Me: "Lol, the storm is passing for me. May!"
Her: "X-/"
Me: "LOL. Don't worry, i won't forget you."
Her: "Suuuuuuure."
Me: "I could never forget you raerae!"
Her: "Yeah, right..."
Me: "at the risk of sounding something, with a figure like your71 your impression isn't going anywhere soon."
Her: "I think the little of a figure i have is slowly disappearing"
Me: "Well then i should appreciate it as much as i can before it's gone."
Her: "I'm gonna have to start working out"
Me: "Me too. This just got way hotter than i was expecting, lol."
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Raerae text back and forth
Posted by
3/15/2008 09:19:00 PM
Labels: Raerae
Just checking in
Some things work out in weird ways. I hate being/sleeping alone, but I can spend extended periods of time largely by myself and be totally content. I can sit in a coffee shop or tea house for 5 or 6 hours filling out crossword puzzles and watching people. I hate walking next to a girl without touching her.
I've changed some strategies. Whereas all girls think that they value honesty and forwardness, they don't actually value it in the same way that they value animal attraction and cheesy game. Once I would have been the best listener she'd ever met, but then also possibly the best friend she'd ever stood to gain. I'm aware. Now I am young, dumb, and more or less full of cum, I guess. I can still listen like a fuckin' fox, but instead of responding, "maybe you should give your ex another chance," I'm going to be straight up like, "He's an idiot for not appreciating you." I mean, to whom do I hold loyalties, and why don't I hold them to myself? I still will never LIE to a girl, but if she stands to benefit as much from me as from someone else, I'm going to stop martyring. This is already working, to a certain degree. I think that I have Raerae confused, which is actually good for me. She was fairly sure that she didn't want to get into anything too quickly, but I think that she might be reconsidering, now that she knows how rad I am. We flirt. I say WE. I mean, I definitely do it more and more often, but she doesn't respond the way that an uncomfortable girl would. The other difference would be that in the past I would ask over and over if it was okay to flirt with her, and if she was comfortable and all that. Fuck that. I am going to do it even if it makes her uncomfortable. If she can't handle it, then we'll fall apart, but maybe that's best in that case. However, what if she CAN handle it? Then I win. Or we both do, or something.
Holy crap, the old wannabe Stevie Nicks playing guitar here at Bunna is now singing the weirdest cover of "The Reason" (Hoobastank maybe?) ever. It's actually better than the real song, but that isn't a tremendously difficult thing to accomplish. I just sneezed and it was better than the original. How that jerk won a songwriting award for that crap blows my mind.
Here's the list, in order:
If any of those names are foreign to you, it's either because I haven't mentioned them (Delux), or you aren't paying enough attention.
Raerae: Duh, see this entry and the one before it.
Hana: I liveblogged about her and Tea, who both work at Mandala.
Delux: Plain Jane working at Lux.
Coffee: Cutest girl ever. Works at Bunna.
Ironwoman: Sold me these here running shoes.
Granola: Scary Eye's roommate. She has become rather boring.
So yeah, Granola is boring. She wakes up at like 2 or 3 and sits around until she goes to sleep again. She doesn't work or go to school. With all due respect, when you do so little with your day, you aren't going to have much to talk about. And she doesn't. Nothing is ever up nor is it ever new. Although it usually IS the plan for the day. Ugh.
Oh yeah, Carebear turned out to be part of a Bible study at our shop, which is for some reason a huge turnoff for me. I mean, I'm all for reading the Bible, but I hate the "four girls talking about Jesus and feminism" setup of their group. She is still cute as a ladybug, so if I think that she'll accept an advance, I'll extend one, but I don't necessarily plan on doing so now.
I'm looking for houses now. I'm about two weeks early, but I'm looking anyways. I'm looking in Tempe, South Scottsdale, North Chandler, and West Mesa, in that order. I've found some pretty promising listings already, so I think we'll be able to get something sort of nice. It shall be myself, Ashlee, and Lou Bega, so I'm hoping for a 4 bedroom (spare for storage) or a big 3 with a den or garage or something. My preferred neighborhood would really be the Maple Ash area that is just SouthWest of University and Mill. I want to sort of be near happenings, and people our age. I think Ashlee feels the same way. Lou Bega just wants to be somewhat closer to any semblance of an arts scene, since such a thing is completely absent from our area now. I'm excited. I want to have sex with some girl and have BOTH of them hear it. Not for any sort of pervy excitable reason like I get off on it, I just think that'll be funny. I'm also totally getting a sex gong. I think that being the age that I am, sex sort of loses its sacred aspect and becomes a little more fun, since now essentially every girl that I meet will have had sex at least once previous to me. Does that make sense? I mean that a virgin or a girl for whom I was her first might be offended by a sex gong, but a girlie who isn't so embarrassed by it would probably just think I'm a dummy, then roll over and go to sleep. Which I'm okay with. Lou B and I have been laughing about the idea for a long time, so I think it's definitely going to have to happen now at the new place. Especially since we will both be college graduates. I plan to help Loubiez get some, somehow. I am really pestering him about joining the gym and going with me. He says that he just wants to run, but honestly, I am going to be running a lot less than previously. I want to focus more on physical appearance than athletic ability, so running will become just one of the many things that I do. Whatever.
I told Raerae that she inspired me. She has what I think is a totally hot body/nearly perfect build. Broad-ish shoulders, small ribcage and waist, but WITH hips. Long legs, too. Big calves. Doesn't SOUND sexy, but it IS. I felt sort of lacking, for sure. She also told me about her friend Glenn (who is my primary competition for her panties...err, I mean heart) who is an Air Force ROTC guy who works out like a madman and has aspirations of becoming a test pilot, and then an astronaut, which is like growing up to become Mick Jagger with a huge dick, ya know? I can't beat that even if I DO cure cancer/AIDS. Fuck him. Maybe he'll become an alcoholic or meth addict due to the pressure. See, now this is a situation where traditionally I'd be like "Raerae, for reals, Glenn is great, and he treats you well, right? You sort of like him? Well, why don't you go out with him and see how it works? If it doesn't really play out, then maybe we could go out." Anyways, so I told her that her mild self hate (she doesn't like her body, and thinks that she could lose a few pounds) inspired me to also hate myself enough to make a change. So I'm going to try. Again. For reals. Laugh Out Loud. Lots Of Laughs. Look Out Lucy!
Okay, time to do this midterm I guess.
The Reason lyrics (Hoobastank)
I'm not a perfect person
There's many things I wish I didn't do
But I continue learning
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know
I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is you
I'm sorry that I hurt you
It's something I must live with everyday
And all the pain I put you through
I wish that I could take it all away
And be the one who catches all your tears
Thats why i need you to hear
I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is You [x4]
I'm not a perfect person
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know
I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is you
I've found a reason to show
A side of me you didn't know
A reason for all that I do
And the reason is you