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Monday, December 3, 2007
Duffy VI
So I just had a particularly tasty encounter with Duffy.
Here's the day leading up to it:
9:00am...Wake up.
9:00am-11:00am...Watch various judge TV shows (Mathis, Milian, etc).
11:0am-12:00pm...Deal with delinquent Sparkletts account.
12:00pm...Go get Oregano's Favorite Jr. salad and Bollo pasta.
12:30pm-2:00pm...Eat Oregano's Favorite Jr. salad and half of Bollo pasta. Update blog.
2:10pm...Should take leftovers downstairs before I leave to run.
2:15pm...Leave for run. Didn't take leftovers downstairs.
4:00pm...Get back from run, realize that leftovers were left in room. Update blog.
4:05pm...Realize that I have a final at 4:30.
4:10pm-4:20pm...Take shower/get ready for class. Decide to take leftovers downstairs on way out to class.
4:21pm...Leave for class, don't take leftovers downstairs.
4:35pm-5:35pm...Arrive at class, take final, get A in class.
5:35pm-6:15pm...Hang out with Anna and Stephanie after class. Stephanie reacts whenever I talk about other girls. She still has hidden feelings for me, I think. I'll make an entry about her some other time.
6:15pm...Drive to Coffee Bean to pick up tips, maybe see Duffy.
6:18pm...Realize that Duffy opens on Mondays, and won't be there; sadness washes over me.
6:28m...Arrive at Coffee Bean.
6:28:30pm...See Duffy walking out of Coffee Bean in street clothes.
Duffy: Hey!
Me: Helloooooo, what's goin' on? *I have this supremely creepy way that I say "hello" to Duffy*
D: Nothin'. Just goin' to class.
Me: Oh, that sucks.
D: Yeah, I have a final tonight.
Me: Oh yeah? What class?
D: Ummmm. Spielberg and Lucas.
Me: Ah, yes, Spielberg and Lucas.
D: Yeah.
Me: Oh. So when's our next movie night?
D: I don't know, but soon. *ok, so this is definitely a good sign, right?*
Me: Yeah, I know, for reals.
D: But not tomorrow, I have class. *see? she really did mean soon*
Me: Ok, I'm open basically all week. Wednesday is reading day, and I don't open Thursday, so maaaybeeeeee...
D: Ya know, we were apparently supposed to call Becca and watch Ace Ventura with her.
Me: Fuck Becca. I already told her...*I realize that what I told her is that I can't get my groove thang on with her there*...Ah fuck it, I'm just like lick my balls, Becca
D: Hahaha, that's right.
Me: ...
D: You smell pretty.
Me: I smell pretty?
D: Well, like, "guy pretty."
Me: I see. Yeah, I went for a run, then I took a shower *right about now, I realize that what I'm about to say doesn't make any sense* but then I wasn't sure if that was enough, so I hit some cologne. It's a different one than the one that I've been wearing lately. That's probably why you noticed.
D: Yeah, it's sort of...spicy...
Me: Well, that works. I'm pretty spicy. Actually, I'm more saucy than spicy.
D: Saucy.
Me: Saucy.
Us at the same time: Saucyyyyy. Hahahaha.
Me: Well, I guess that I'll let you go to your final. Good luck.
...We hug...I think that she launches herself into me with a little bit more awkwardness than she was expecting...Her face sort of hits my ear with decent force...This is okay though, because we have an inside joke about her warm eye heating up my cold ear...I dispel any semblance of awkwardness:...
Me: Ah, my cold cold ear.
D: >teehee<
Me: Ok, goodnight, call me later this week.
D: Okay, 'night!
Yeah, so I think that there is definitely something there. All girls know the ol' "compliment his cologne" trick right? Or, at the very least, we've all heard that in a movie at some point or another, and Duffy does nothing BUT watch movies, so she definitely has heard it. I think I'm in pretty solid at this point, no? We'll see.
Oh, after I got home, I updated the blog that I share joint custody of with Louis: check it out.
Posted by
12/03/2007 06:58:00 PM
Labels: Aspirations, Duffy, GUBOM, Louis, The Bean
Always Love By Nada Surf
This one goes out to my girl, Ashlee:
To make a mountain of your life
Is just a choice
But I never learned enough
To listen to the voice that told me..
Always love… Hate will get you everytime
Always love… Don’t wait till the finish line
Slow demands come 'round
Squeeze the air and keep the rest out
It helps to write it down
Even when you then cross it out
But Always Love… Hate will get you every time
Always Love… Even when you want to fight
Self-directed lies
I want to know what it’d be like to
Aim so high above
any card that you've been dealt you...
Always Love… Hate will get you every time
Always Love… Hate will get you
I've been held back by something
Yeah. You said to me quietly on the stairs,
I've been held back by something
Yeah. You said to me quietly on the stairs.
You said…
Hey, you good ones.
Hey, you good ones.
To make a mountain of your life
Is just a choice
But I never learned enough
To listen to the voice that told me
Always love…hate will get you everytime
Always love…hate will get you…
I've been held back by something
Yeah, You said to me quietly on the stairs,
I've been held back by something
Yeah, You said to me quietly on the stairs
You said..
Hey, you good ones
Hey, you good ones
Hey, you good ones
As do you, so do I. It is hard, maybe impossible. I have found that religion is inconsequential. God doesn't matter. These things are only words. If God is anything, it is a conceptualization; a cosmic embodiment of love. There is no hate but what we have created for ourselves, and all illness and sadness is borne of it. I used to feel alone in a cold universe, until I realized that love connected me with every aspect of that universe, and, in effect, with God itself. If I find myself asking "Does God exist?" I find that the question becomes "Do I exist?"
Posted by
12/03/2007 03:32:00 PM
Labels: Aspirations, ex-girlfriends, Gay Issues, God, Nada Surf, Song Lyrics, Who I is
Visions of greatness
I can see myself doing things. Great things. Actually, usually things so great that they are hard for most other to envision themselves doing. Completing an Ironman. Running 100 miles. Curing cancer. My photo on the covers of magazines. Being remembered, and for good reason. I sometimes get embarrassed about it. Sometimes though, I am excited about it. Does that make me selfish? Are these visions of the future, or just the dreams of a hopeless man? Does everyone have these images? Do people only have images of things within their reach? Does the two digit IQ working as a checkout girl really see herself being internationally loved? Is the 57 year old man with dental problems riding on top of that tractor up the road just waiting for his big break? Do people know their limitations? What about the person who has been told that he has no limitation? My dad once told me that he wasn't worried about me. He was confident that no matter what I chose to do, I'd be successful to the highest degree. He told me this in the middle of me worrying about choosing a major and a life path. It ended the conversation. I wonder if he is right. I wonder if there is anything that I cannot do. Is this arrogance? If I completely dedicated myself to any one thing would I be the world's best at that thing? If I decide that I am only here to end cancer or AIDs or something, does that mean that I'm actually going to cure those things? Is it really just a matter of me deciding where to point myself? And what happens if I'm wrong? If I dedicate my life to curing cancer, and then I don't, does my existence justify itself or not? Is there a failure of life? I wonder these things while I sit here thinking about what I'll say to GQ in my interview after I win the nobel. Will I call them out for their consumerist stances? Should I only grant interviews to Adbusters and other grassroots and cause-based publications? Hard questions to answer.
I'm off for a run.
Posted by
12/03/2007 12:40:00 PM
Labels: Aspirations, Conspiracies, Running
Satisfied Mind Lyrics
Satisfied Mind by Porter Wagoner
How many times have you heard someone say
If I had his money I could do things my way
But little they know
that is so hard to find
one rich man in ten
with a satisfied mind
Once I was waiting in fortune and fame
Everything that I dreamed for to get a start in life's game
But suddenly it's happened I lost every dime
But I'm richer by far with a satisfied mind
Money can't buy back your youth when you're old
Or a friend when you're lonely or a love that's grown cold
The wealthiest person is a pauper at times
compared to the man with a satisfied mind
When life has ended my time has run out
My friends and my loved ones I'll leave there's no doubt
But there's one thing for certain when it comes my time
I'll leave this old world with a satisfied mind
I like this song. I dedicate it to Nancy from eHarmony. My credit card is now within easily manageable reach. Woo.
Posted by
12/03/2007 12:32:00 PM
Labels: Song Lyrics
Best of: eHarmony
So I'm going to post some of the better matches presented to me by eHarmony or Match. eHarmony is funnier usually, because they require this massive (like 20 page long) personality profile that they then use to match you with other people. In other words, they are supposed to have some special insight into who I AM, and who I WOULD MATCH WELL WITH. So here's what they think:
The one thing nancy is most passionate about:
* that i am rich and always happy though family are dead
The three things which nancy is most thankful for:
* i am alive
* i am rich
* i have God
nancy typically spends her leisure time:
* laughing all throught and making stupid things
Ok, so Nancy is obviously the girl for me. I mean, I AM obsessed with money, right? I do like to spend my time "making stupid things" right? Yes, yes I am and do.
Here's all you need to know about this next potential match:
Erin (san antonio, Texas)
What the fuck eHarmony? How many times do I have to tell you that I'm "not willing to relocate" and that I'm not willing to be "matched with someone willing to relocate" ???? She was like the eighth girl from Texass that they tried to hook me up with. She also had 3 kids. eHarmony keeps giving me baby mommas. I guess that they got from my answers that I'm very paternal or something.
latecha (YOUNGTOWN, Arizona)
Occupation: I Am A CNA/CAREGIVER
The one thing latecha is most passionate about:
The three things which latecha is most thankful for:
latecha typically spends her leisure time:
Ok, so this bitch can't stop yelling. Psh, typical black woman. Lol, nah, I kid. But for reals, cut it out with the caps. Who fucking does that? And then she didn't even capitalize HER OWN NAME!!! Aaaaaaand she has kids.
Angel (Tempe, Arizona)
Occupation: College Advisor
The one thing Angel is most passionate about:
* Making my dreams become my reality! :)
I hate college advisors.
holly (phoenix, Arizona)
Occupation: bussijness associate
The one thing holly is most passionate about:
* making memories with my three children .
The three things which holly is most thankful for:
* I am thankful for my three wonderful daughters
* I am thank ful to have a good job .
* I am thank ful to be healthy and have healthy children
holly typically spends her leisure time:
* shopping , taking my kids to the park , hanging out with my other half .
What the hell. How can you possibly be what I assume is a "business associate" if you think that "business" is spelled "bussijness"?!?!?! Why the fuck would there be a "J"" in BUSINESS?!?!?! Also, you have kids. And you put a space in thankful twice. THEN, you said that you like hanging out with your other half. What the fuck hell could that possibly mean? Does that mean that you're married? If you ARE, WHY ARE YOU HERE?!?! WHAT!?!?!
Jessica (Florence, Arizona)
Occupation: Correctional Officer
Actually, I kind of want to contact this chick. A correctional officer? Hot. Correct THIS.
hakuna (mesa, Arizona)
Occupation: i work with kids
The one thing hakuna is most passionate about:
The three things which hakuna is most thankful for:
hakuna's friends describe her as:
*Hard Working
*Good Listener
Three of hakuna's best life-skills are:
*Long-term personal planning
*Achieving personal goals
hakuna typically spends her leisure time:
The one thing "Hakuna" is most passionate about? Hjk? Are those her initials or something? And she spends her leisure time "jhkl" ? Yes, I see. I'm glad that this person "works with kids,"
I've saved the best for last.
Lala (Pheonix, Arizona)
The one thing Lala is most passionate about:
*My passionat is is when My partner stay at home with me when he don't have to go work and goot with or go out to have toghether thahs all I ask for my partner.
The three things which Lala is most thankful for:
*I will thankfully for someone to respect me
*I will thankfull for someome to give love that give them
*I will thankfull for someone to preciate for me for the love I give
The most influential person in Lala's life has been:
*My sister is most influential person in my life because she know everything about me.
The most important thing Lala is looking for in a person is:
*The most important quality i would look for in other person is the respect.Respect other is more quality for me so thats what would look for.
The first thing you'll probably notice about Lala when you meet her:
*The first thing that peopl notice about me are my big smile and my atitude thats the most thing people notice of me
The one thing Lala wishes MORE people would notice about her is:
*My pernality is the thing that peopl don't notice of me for the first time because Im totally different person in goodway
Lala typically spends her leisure time:
*I love to go out a lot to have fun out go see difent in life because the life to short.
The things Lala can't live without are:
-My phone
-My Lip Gross
-My check
-New shoes
-My Purse
The last book Lala read and enjoyed:
*The Last book That I read and enjoyed is Loving youself and it is aboutlove who you are and no one can't change you.
One thing that only Lala's best friends know is:
*The only thing that my best friend know about me is my emotional feeling
Some additional information Lala wanted you to know is:
*The hting i woulld like my math to know about me is my feelin because im sentive person and seriouse
I can't really say anything to make that profile any more funny. At first I thought that maybe she was from Eastern Europe:
"My passionat is is when My partner stay at home with me when he don't have to go work and goot with or go out to have toghether thahs all I ask for my partner."
Or maybe Italian:
"because the life to[o] short."
Or maybe kindergarten:
"The last book Lala read and enjoyed:
*The Last book That I read and enjoyed is Loving youself and it is aboutlove who you are and no one can't change you."
THEN, I got a message that she had updated her profile.
Occupation: Work for Burn & Wilcox
Age: 22
Height: 5' 2"
Ethnicity: African-American
Okay, so I assume that she meant "Burn[s] & Wilcox," which is "North America's largest and most capable independently owned specialty insurance wholesaler," according to their website. How could they possibly be capable when they employ Lala? HOW?!?!?
I hate eHarmony. I'll do one of these about Match some other day.
Oh, I've also been sent five different girls recently who used the phrase "take time to smell the roses" in their profile. Verbatim. All five of them. I hate that phrase. Had they asked, I would have told them not to match me with anyone who says that.
Posted by
12/03/2007 09:34:00 AM
Labels: online dating