So I just had a particularly tasty encounter with Duffy.
Here's the day leading up to it:
9:00am...Wake up.
9:00am-11:00am...Watch various judge TV shows (Mathis, Milian, etc).
11:0am-12:00pm...Deal with delinquent Sparkletts account.
12:00pm...Go get Oregano's Favorite Jr. salad and Bollo pasta.
12:30pm-2:00pm...Eat Oregano's Favorite Jr. salad and half of Bollo pasta. Update blog.
2:10pm...Should take leftovers downstairs before I leave to run.
2:15pm...Leave for run. Didn't take leftovers downstairs.
4:00pm...Get back from run, realize that leftovers were left in room. Update blog.
4:05pm...Realize that I have a final at 4:30.
4:10pm-4:20pm...Take shower/get ready for class. Decide to take leftovers downstairs on way out to class.
4:21pm...Leave for class, don't take leftovers downstairs.
4:35pm-5:35pm...Arrive at class, take final, get A in class.
5:35pm-6:15pm...Hang out with Anna and Stephanie after class. Stephanie reacts whenever I talk about other girls. She still has hidden feelings for me, I think. I'll make an entry about her some other time.
6:15pm...Drive to Coffee Bean to pick up tips, maybe see Duffy.
6:18pm...Realize that Duffy opens on Mondays, and won't be there; sadness washes over me.
6:28m...Arrive at Coffee Bean.
6:28:30pm...See Duffy walking out of Coffee Bean in street clothes.
Duffy: Hey!
Me: Helloooooo, what's goin' on? *I have this supremely creepy way that I say "hello" to Duffy*
D: Nothin'. Just goin' to class.
Me: Oh, that sucks.
D: Yeah, I have a final tonight.
Me: Oh yeah? What class?
D: Ummmm. Spielberg and Lucas.
Me: Ah, yes, Spielberg and Lucas.
D: Yeah.
Me: Oh. So when's our next movie night?
D: I don't know, but soon. *ok, so this is definitely a good sign, right?*
Me: Yeah, I know, for reals.
D: But not tomorrow, I have class. *see? she really did mean soon*
Me: Ok, I'm open basically all week. Wednesday is reading day, and I don't open Thursday, so maaaybeeeeee...
D: Ya know, we were apparently supposed to call Becca and watch Ace Ventura with her.
Me: Fuck Becca. I already told her...*I realize that what I told her is that I can't get my groove thang on with her there*...Ah fuck it, I'm just like lick my balls, Becca
D: Hahaha, that's right.
Me: ...
D: You smell pretty.
Me: I smell pretty?
D: Well, like, "guy pretty."
Me: I see. Yeah, I went for a run, then I took a shower *right about now, I realize that what I'm about to say doesn't make any sense* but then I wasn't sure if that was enough, so I hit some cologne. It's a different one than the one that I've been wearing lately. That's probably why you noticed.
D: Yeah, it's sort of...spicy...
Me: Well, that works. I'm pretty spicy. Actually, I'm more saucy than spicy.
D: Saucy.
Me: Saucy.
Us at the same time: Saucyyyyy. Hahahaha.
Me: Well, I guess that I'll let you go to your final. Good luck.
...We hug...I think that she launches herself into me with a little bit more awkwardness than she was expecting...Her face sort of hits my ear with decent force...This is okay though, because we have an inside joke about her warm eye heating up my cold ear...I dispel any semblance of awkwardness:...
Me: Ah, my cold cold ear.
D: >teehee<
Me: Ok, goodnight, call me later this week.
D: Okay, 'night!
Yeah, so I think that there is definitely something there. All girls know the ol' "compliment his cologne" trick right? Or, at the very least, we've all heard that in a movie at some point or another, and Duffy does nothing BUT watch movies, so she definitely has heard it. I think I'm in pretty solid at this point, no? We'll see.
Oh, after I got home, I updated the blog that I share joint custody of with Louis: check it out.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Duffy VI
Posted by
12/03/2007 06:58:00 PM
Labels: Aspirations, Duffy, GUBOM, Louis, The Bean
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