Sunday, December 16, 2007


I wonder how far the power of perception really extends. I seem to enjoy life because of the way that I take it. I do my best to let things go that need to be let go, and I try not to focus on the negative aspect of a situation (as all situations are both positive and negative, of course). For instance, I was just talking to Ash Ash last night about my broken ankle, sort of. I used to hate the broken ankle, for derailing me, and for being the catalyst of weight gain, and for a number of other things. However, when I adjusted myself it occurred to me that I'm where I am now due to having broken the ankle. I mean, had I not ever broken my ankle I would have probably finished school as a kinesiologist and what the hell good would that have been? I mean, I love athletes, but is that really what I want to do? Study how people run and build better shoes? Examine range of motion and develop various pieces of exercise equipment? This seems fun, but unimportant to me. I needed the year off. I needed to be grounded. Now I'm on my way to a place that I know I want to be. My future doesn't worry me, and neither does my past.

"Far away
I don't care where, just far away
I don't care where, just far away
I don't care where, just far away
I don't care"

Be Quiet And Drive (Far Away) by Deftones

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