Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Time is [not] on my side

I manage always to pull things off. I am a master of bullshitting without lying, and a keeper of time. I have written papers in one hour that took others days. I cannot, however, account for the vengeance of deities; those who hate my arrogance. I cannot say no to a friend who has nothing left but death. I cannot say no to a friend who needs an escape that I can offer. I cannot say no to Guitar Hero III (I might have an addiction). What am I doing now? I'm not working on papers. I'm not studying what I missed because I didn't go to class. I'm watching reds and yellows and feeling the cancerous insurgence. Guilt seems appropriate for one who thinks that maybe there really IS nothing left for some. Does it matter that they are victims of their own designs? I don't think so. Pity. Mercy is for all. I wonder how much I have left. Suffering for the sake of a definition? I hope it's more than that. Someday I'll be rich and I'll just buy my clarity and clear my mind with deluges of shiny shiny things. Can't we just be in a place because someone would like us to be in that place? Buildings are imposing, frightening, we feel them. We are all buildings, and we are all immovable. Let the people in our lives find their way to our giant mirrored windows. All we have to do is not fall down.

"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”

Mahatma Gandhi

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