Monday, January 7, 2008

Something less serious, more gratuitous

So here is the best part of the most famous Halloween episode of 7th Heaven. The part where Jessica Biel dances around the house in a shirt and panties (actually, the insinuate that she is not wearing any panties, because when she gets in the bath they only show her shirt hit the floor). I'm not ONLY posting this to exploit people searching Google for various things jessica biel, but also because I remember this episode vividly. This was when I OFFICIALLY switched allegiances from that Lucy chick to jessica biel's character, whatever her name was (at the time of this airing, I was closer in age to Lucy than to biel's character, so it wasn't pervy). Oh, and note to girls: shirt and panties is the hottest possible combination ever, even if the shirt is ridiculous, or maybe especially if it is. Oh, and by the way, is the weird pumpkin carver played by Stephen Seagal?

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